Diet Plan For Today

Friday, March 4, 2011

Walnuts the most useful nuts?

Diet Plan For Today
We all know how useful to the body are nuts. Hand full of nuts is beneficial to brain activity and a benefit for the whole organism. All kinds of nuts contain vitamin A, E and B, and many trace elements.

It is difficult to determine exactly what kind of nuts are most useful because each type hasits unique composition. However, walnuts are unique because of its high content of vitamin C.

In contents of vitamin C, walnuts excels black currants and even the citrus fruits. Therefore, they are especially useful for people with low immunity. They possess antibacterial and anti-strengthening effect.

The ancient thinkers believed that nuts are the mascot of health and longevity. They were amazed by the similarity of the kernels in the shape of the two brain hemispheres.Today’s science recognizes that regular consumption of nuts reduces mental and physical overfatigue and helps of the quick recovery after illness or surgery.

Especially valuable for the metabolic processes of the body are phosphorus, calciumand iron salts of this fruit. The content of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants andphytosterols suppress development of the cancer cells.

Experts are convinced that Hand full of nuts raise the IQ . Therefore they recommend that young people must eat 30-40 g walnuts per day.

Science has proven that a hand fullof walnuts per day prevent breast cancer. And more people are convinced that powerful part of the tree gives strength to the human.
Diet Plan For Today