Diet Plan For Today
As incredible as it sounds, there are foods that not only does not add pounds to ourweight, but even contribute to its reduce. This isn’t another myth, but a real action of food products not proven from one and two experts.
The results show that regular in take of fruit with meals can reduce weight by an average of 2 kg only for 2 weeks.The Grepe-fruit reduced the insulin levels, which in turn leads to lower appetite. If you do not temper the bitter taste of citrus,you can combine it with orange or lemon juice which stabilized the body’s immune system.
Green tea
Prevents degeneration of cells and cardiovascular diseases. Also favorably affect the metabolism.
It is estimated that drinking about one liter of green tea daily leads to burning 70-80calories.
Spicy food
Strong spices also help the breakdown of fat by sweating / one of the main effects of the pungent / .Also this accelerates heart rate, and hence the breakdown of food substances. Of course there is a big “BUT”. Do not expect that eating chips and spicyfried foods will help you to lose weight.
Insufficient intake of water and other liquids, is slowing down the metabolism, reduce the level of glucose, make you feel dizzy and general weakness, difficult functioning of the kidneys and detoxifing the body.
Diet Plan For Today