Diet Plan For Today
Women and diet – they are connected for life. Almost every woman at least once in her life has put under herself on a diet to take off pounds.
In every woman’s life there is four periods during which she is prone to gain excess weight.Maximum volume at the waist, which a woman can afford is 80 cm. If her waist is over 88 cm, we already talking about obesity.
Let’s see which are the four periods in a woman’s life during which she must be carefully and monitoring her weight:
1. Teens – when a person matures sexually his body grow round under the influence of hormones. Estrogens are released from adipose tissue so the young girl can have a regular menstruation. But teenagers turn to junkfood to improve their mood.They regularly consumed sweets, snacks, chips, juices with sugar, carbonated drinks,which are full of calories and they easily accumulate extra pounds. As a result, this often leading to serious weight problems and violations of the metabolism.
2. Pregnancy – many women think that when they are pregnant they should eat for two. But this is wrong. The great quantity of food taken from the pregnant woman leads to overweight both mother and newborn. During this period the woman should eat in normal quantities and to resist temptation. Hormones are raging and she shall be eating a lot of everything, but she should resist the desire.
3. First steps in taking birth control – women which are tend to easily upload kilograms must consult with a doctor before they start taking contraceptives. Even though there is low-dose birth control pills in the market, they can also minister to gain extra pounds. The large amount of hormones may change the metabolism and provite easier way to accumulate reserves of fat.
4. After menopause – 60% of women gain weight after the menopause occur.Estrogens reduce the activity and testosterone go the fore.The Pear-shaped structure of the women change in to male obesity. Men accumulate mainly in the abdomen. All of this must be taken very seriously, because this type of obesity leads to serious health problems. Another reason women gain weight after the menopause is that they become depressed and find happiness in food. To avoid accumulation of excess weight, middle-aged women should emphasize at foods rich in vitamins and proteins. It is also nice to do physical exercises to burn calories. In one hour swim to burn 500 calories, in one hour tennis 350 calories, in one hour badminton 450 calories.
Diet Plan For Today